

Item #: SCP-68429

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: On orders of the Overseer Council, SCP-68429 is to remain uncontained.

Description: SCP-68429 was formerly Containment Facility-9, a three-story containment and research facility located in Caryou, China.

Construction of Facility-9 began on 19/12/1974 and was completed on 21/5/1978. Prior to Incident 68429-Marke, Facility-9 contained 34 Safe-Class anomalies, 28 Euclid-Class anomalies, 12 Keter-Class Anomalies and 1 Squire-Class anomaly.

SCP-68429 houses several temporal, spacial and numerical anomalies, as well as several cognito and audio hazards.

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